Knowledge, Experience, Integrity

Our Principal

Marcus Robertson

CFP™ Dip FP B Comm LLB CA - Financial Planner

Marcus has extensive experience in the areas of Taxation and Superannuation having worked for a large national Accounting firm in Sydney and with a local firm of Chartered Accountants. Marcus is a Certified Financial Planner and has a Commerce degree and a Law degree from the University of NSW. He was admitted as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW in 1989 and is a Chartered Accountant.

Taxation rulings and documentation search

eWombat is a targeted search engine that only searches websites relevant to financial planners and accountants. A great resource to search for tax rulings, human services documents, etc.

Look up stock prices

What you need to know

The intention of this website is to provide general information only and it has been created for this purpose. In preparing the website, we have not taken into account the individual objectives or circumstances of any person. Legal, financial and other professional advice should be sought prior to applying the information contained on this website to particular circumstances. Robertson & Associates does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability or security of the content within this site, which may change at any time without notice.